A New Year

Happy New Year to all of us! After all the frenetic activity of the holidays from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, I always find myself yearning for a fresh start.

So, that leads to putting away all the holiday finery and seeing my space at home and work feeling more open and clean.  A clean slate….a fresh start both in my physical space but also in my relationships.   I recently finished reading a very touching novel-Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate.  It deals with what binds a family together in the backdrop of adoption in Tennessee in the 1930’s.  As a child who was born to a single mom and then later forced into the foster care system, I can profoundly relate to the experiences described in the book.  Much of the story mimicked my life but one passage seems particularly apt to this time of the year and this time in my life.

“A woman’s past need not predict her future.  She can dance to new music if she chooses.  Her own music.  To hear the tune, she must stop talking.  To herself, I mean. We’re always trying to persuade ourselves of things.”

So, in 2018, that is my journey, I intend to take.  Let the music begin……